
Age of Globalisation

I want to emphasize that globalization has definitely more advantages than drawbacks.

XXI century is an age of globalisation. It’s very popular word last few years. The world changes everyday, people invent more and more advanced technology. Thanks to it we can communicate faster, more often and, what is the most important, cheaper. We can easy change places so the most the most attractive countries are full of foreign students, workers or tourists.

Almost everybody on whole the world has TV, so for instance, American actor or singer can be watched by everyone. People observe each other and they take influences, they wear similar clothes, buy imported cars, they pick up the most suitable solutions for them. It’s great opportunity for big companies like Coca-Cola or McDonalds, which use media to promote their products. Putting aside health or harm impact, they invade foreign markets using TV advertising to sell more their popular products. For that reason globalization has got really bad influence for local market. Moreover it takes the national identity away.

I don’t want to be double-faced but generally I think that in spite of its drawbacks, globalization has a lot of advantages. First at all we are much more cosmopolitans than citizens of particular counties nowadays. It’s easy to see in UK or US, when you ask someone where is she/he from you may hear: do you mean original or where do I live? Globalization entails more familiar relationships between people from different countries. They are not strangers for each other any more. You can easy belong to one of international organizations like “Hospitality club” or “Greenpeace”, so not only commercial organizations develop their activity. Thanks to globalization we have got wider range of products to choose but we need to select consciously.

Summing up, I want to emphasize that globalization has definitely more advantages than drawbacks.