
Czas, przestrzeń, antyczne cywilizacje?

Ciekawy związek czasu i antycznej mitologii

Ciekawy związek czasu i antycznej mitologii




Czy zastanawialiście się Drodzy Czytelnicy, nad związkiem liczenia czasu na tle różnych cywilizacji?

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Odnośnie antycznego rzymskiego festiwalu Regifugium

oraz egipskiego Festival of establishing Heru as King;The appearance before Ptah

czy jest to przypadkowe w zakresie tych świąt w kulturze antycznej? jak sądzicie

Przepraszam za anglojęzyczne źródła, ale ciężko je w miarę dobrze przetłumaczyć..


"The circle comprises 360 degrees and, likewise, the ideal year contains 360 days. Because, however, there is a discrepancy between the ideal and the real, many ancient cultures appear to have designated the extra full five days of the natural year as a kind of ‘time out’. This ‘non-time’ or ‘time-between-time’ is the epagomenae – the five ‘extra’ days that are beyond the norm and which are in some way inauspicious. We can suspect that with the flight of the king or rex sacrorum, the ‘king of the sacred rites’ on the previous day of the Regifugium, the sacred fire of Vesta was also extinguished. "

That's why in ancient Roman religion, Regifugium or Fugalia ("King's Flight") was an annual observance - according to Varro and Ovid, the festival commemorated the flight of the last king of Rome, Tarquinius Superbus, in 510 BC. Plutarch, however, explains it as the symbolic departure of only the priest with the title rex sacrorum.


First "for the Egyptians and their Sothic year, the five epagomenal days were those in which Nut, circumventing a curse from the sun-god Ra, gave birth successively to Osiris, the elder Horus, Set, Isis and Nephthys."

Next: it was festival of establishing Heru as King (the appearance before Ptah). Egypt was divided between the protagonists: Seth will be king of Upper Egypt and Horus will rule over Lower Egypt. It is stressed that this result is amicably accepted -- the reed of Seth and papyrus of Horus being attached to the door of the god Ptah to symbolize that they were pacified and united.

It is also the Harsomtus version of Horus (Horus the Child) can be traced back to the Pyramid Texts as Har-mau or "Horus the uniter." The idea is the king as upholder of the unification of North and South Egypt.
The head of the child Horus was often surmounted by a full-faced Bes-head or mask

regarding the Roman Regifugium, because of the connection of Janus with the original king of Rome and his post-monarchial substitute, the rex sacrorum, we have assumed that the ferial figure is Janus himself. This two-faced deity is himself however a composite of the divine twins – whether Jupiter and Mars or Mars and Quirinus. The Regia in the Forum that is connected to the rex contained a sacrarium Martis or shrine to Mars who appears in either his primary or secondary role to be a key figure throughout the months of February and Mars, and if the rex has a particular connection to this deity, Janus as the composite of both Jupiter and Mars and/or of Mars and Quirinus is a suitable ritual focus personage for the ‘flight of the king’ on the Regifugium.

And thirdly: These festivals were odd days..
