
Future Earth's climate change


Future Earth's climate change


In previous papers, I wrote about the correlation of changes in the position of magnetic poles and changes in the Earth's climate. The apparent, seeming motion of the magnetic pole on the surface of the earth is an indicator of the displacement of the earth's coating (the crust and upper part of the earth's mantle) around the liquid interior of the earth. The Earth's coating, which rotates in relation to the ecliptic, notes the changes in the sunlighting of the Earth's surface, and consequently changes in the location of the climate and precipitation zones.

Today the magnetic pole moves eastward to Siberia. Its present location near the geographic pole causes that the speed of rotation of the earth increases. Because of this, oceanic upwelling decreases and and surface temperatures of ocean is increasing which warming Earth's climate. This proves the return of the earth's shell to a position of equilibrium. What will be the further movements of the magnetic pole and the earth's shell and what will they bring?

If the North Magnetic Pole approaches Siberia, the earth's coating will move so that Siberia will be close to the axis of rotation of the Earth. The rotational speed of the Earth will then decrease and the oceanic upwelling will increase and the surface temperature of the oceans will decrease. In general, the global climate will cooling down.

The northern part of the Eurasian continent will be in a less sunny and cooler climate, and the southern part will be affected by drought. North America will be in a warmer climate, which in the north of the continent will favor vegetation and the south of the continent will experience drought. North Africa will be in a permanent dry zone and the Sahara will grow green. The climatic zones will shift to the current position of ca. 15 degrees latitude, which will change the spread of vegetation zones. There will be a global increase in the number of earthquakes, especially in the Mediterranean, Central America, the Malay Archipelago and Australia.


In my latest works published on Researchgate, which are in my opinion, evidence of movements Earth's coating, ie. the crust and the upper mantle, around the Earth's liquid interior. The shift of precipitation in the USA (50-30 degrees latitude) and India (30-10 degrees latitude) tends to suggest that the precipitation zones seem to migrate. In my opinion rainfall zones have a fixed position relative to the ecliptic, but the movements of the Earth's coating make India move in or out of the zone 20-5 degrees latitude, where the torrential rain is in the summer, like the USA which are (in and out) of the wet zone of winter precipitation middle latitudes, which causes a cyclical variation of precipitation depends on the movements of the earth's coating.

These changes will negatively affect food production and human well-being.

To prevent the development of an unfavorable global situation, I described in my book, "Natural History and Climate Change 2017", an action plan that requires international elites cooperation. It is up to the elites to decide if we can realised this plan.

Warsaw, 24 November 2017, 5:00 pm Bogdan Góralski