
Człowiek nie ma wpływu na zmiany klimatu

there is a lobby that promotes a false view of the impact of man civilization on climate change.False view of climate change is associated with the international finance circles

there is a lobby that promotes a false view of the impact of man civilization on climate change.False view of climate change is associated with the international finance circles


To the international research community



In my statements, I stubbornly return to the subject of changes in the Earth's climate. To my knowledge, there is a lobby that promotes a false view of the impact of man and his civilization on climate change. The lobby that promotes a false view of climate change is associated with the international finance circles trying to preserve the global influence of Western civilization. The influence of Western civilization will be the greater the smaller the development of the rest of the world. The civilization development of emerging economies depends on energy supplies. Meanwhile, the policy of the Western Finance lobby and the false climate theory promoted by it makes it difficult to develop the supply of cheap energy based on the burning of fossil fuels, which blocks the progress of civilization in developing countries. Man and his civilization have no influence on climate change. Climate changes is caused by changes in the position of objects in the solar system. Only a strong international action by the community of objective scientists will reveal the actions of the Western financial lobby that promotes a false climate theory that prevents scientific progress and the proper development of the global economy.


Bogdan Góralski