
Future Polish defense strategy

Poland has not yet developed an effective defense strategy. The military agreement with the USA is a temporary operation of the current Polish political elite.

Future Polish defense strategy

Poland has not yet developed an effective defense strategy. The military agreement with the USA is a temporary operation of the current Polish political elite. I think that the partnership with China is a good safeguard for Polish interests. For China, the strategic interest is to drastically reduce the rural population and increase the area of other farms in order to increase the profitability of agricultural production and enrich the rural population. The climate crisis in the nearest future may destabilize the internal situation in China. Poland should be a promoter of demographic change in Europe that needs hands to work in industry and in agriculture. Cooperation with China and the settlement of Chinese farmers on free Polish arable land will allow an impulse that will start mass resettlement of Asians to Europe.

The agricultural land in the EU is mostly in the hands of banks. Those who govern European banks forced the EU to subsidize agricultural production to increase their profits. Those who run European banks are responsible for the lack of necessary reforms in European agriculture and the economy. The same situation is in the USA.  The same banking circles are responsible for world's climatic policy. I wonder who governs European and American banks?

This is the Polish and Chinese raison d'état and we must strive for its implementation. It is necessary to understand that this is the only peaceful way to save us from depopulation and the degradation of Poland and Europe that has left to us. At the same time, it is an opportunity for China to reduce internal pressure on economic foreign expansion, which is currently the only way to avoid current and future Chinese problems. A strong and rational Polish authority is needed, which will not withdraw from the necessary reforms of Polish economic and social policy. There is a need for a strategic Chinese-Polish agreement that is very much needed by the world.

Warsaw, 23 November 2018 Bogdan Góralski