
Classless society or restitution of the nobility?

The current elite must understand that only humbleness to the laws of the historical process will protect them from destruction in future revolutions.
  1. Classless society or restitution of the nobility?

Karl Marx's dream was a classless society. Let's think is it possible?

In the revolutions of the period of the end of feudalism in Europe, the monarchy was questioned, and with it the leading role of nobility and aristocrats who ruled arable land. Natural and economic processes caused the collapse of the feudal state and hereditary nobility. And yet for many centuries noblesse effectively led the nations. Like every elite, however, it degenerated and did not meet the social expectations and challenges of the coming times.

Freedom, equality, and brotherhood, as well as equal rights to wealth, were the ideals for the middle class and plebeians who came to the fore. Feudal states and the notion of nobility were abolished in many countries. No longer a privileged birth decided about belonging to the elite. Personal striving and competition have become decisive for social status. With the revolutionary attributes of freedom, equality, and brotherhood being granted to society, its differentiation in the struggle for a better existence began and social stratification again arose. Therefore, the thought grew to socialize the means of production, which possession supposedly creates social stratification. This was to create an ideal society that jointly cares for existence and is devoid of classes. Communism or state capitalism arose. In this new society, however, party elites and a class of workers formed. The conflict of these social forces in 80. XX century ended the dreams of a classless society. In communism, there were no mechanisms promoting non-party elites. Social advancement was only possible within the party and this created ordinary people with a sense of alienation from the social and political system. The opposition was forming.

The ideas of liberalism and competitive capitalism have created the current ideal of a man who makes money and that is the goal of his life. The value of accumulated assets determines to belong to the strata of the elite. Meanwhile, we affirm that life is richer than liberal ideas say and it differentiates society more than property stratification.

The clergy pledges poverty, scientists devote themselves to science, mothers devote themselves to children, the military devotes themselves to the defense of peace, teachers work in schools for little money. For many people, the financial factor is not decisive in choosing a profession, money is not the most important thing. In every profession, however, elites are formed. What then causes differentiation of society and the formation of various elites?

In my opinion, the thing that really differs people is the desire for perfection. It is present in people to varying degrees and causes a divergent approach to life. In my opinion, this desire can be developed in people.

Perfectionists enjoying their work achieve success in every profession and are an example to follow. The people that are neglectful are unrealized and dissatisfied with their occupation and life. Why they are neglectful?

I think that the demoralizing social system is guilty of paying attention only to money and profit. A society that supports perfectionists is mobile, thriving and successful, and society that supports bad quality of work degrades. Examples are Japan, South Korea, Germany and many other countries where the focus was on the development of personal perfectionism serving the society. It must be admitted, however, that these societies were motivated to develop - a very difficult initial economic situation after the war, which was a strong stimulus for development. In these societies, there was also a socio-economic system supporting diligence and ethics. In each profession, professional elites were created that perfectly used the ideals of freedom, equality, and brotherhood in post-feudal societies. In them were the leading people setting the requirements for the less perfect people. Each of these leaders was proud of their social position resulting from the professional predisposition and effectiveness in work used in a career in the professional hierarchy. And after that followed respect and social recognition.

For the societies of the 21st century, it is important to note the leading role of perfectionists of each profession in creating the civilization progress of humanity. These professional perfectionists create a new nobility that leads humanity to future success. Creating social mechanisms enabling the emergence of this new nobility is a pressing necessity. Every man has some predispositions and talents. Discovering and using them for the good of society is our goal. Everyone should be provided with a place in society corresponding to his talents and interests. A society that provides vertical social mobility to the elites of every profession will be the longed-for ideal that prompts people to achieve professional and life excellence. This new society that provides everyone with the opportunity to use their predispositions to achieve social and professional ennoblement will be the longed-for society in which only the elites will exist - perfect and realized people, or people who follow perfection. It will be a classless society.

The old nobility educated from warriors became in the long historical process landowners perfectly organizing the work of the farming people. They have always been a fraction of a percent of society, and through perfection gained in the long evolutionary process, they managed successfully large feudal societies. These people were deprived of their social roles and were blamed for the crisis of the feudal countries. The crisis was caused, as I prove below, due to rapid climate changes and huge increases in food prices. It was not the fault of the feudal elites but the lack of knowledge among revolutionary elites about inexorable natural and social processes led to revolutionary paroxysms destroying the nobility.

A historical mechanism controlled by climate change and climate crises leads to cyclical revolutions sweeping away the elites. The new elite is always lacking in humility towards the historical process and they create themselves on total criticism of their predecessors. The old social elites were destroyed in such revolutions by stigmatizing their achievements. Meanwhile, not everything was bad in the old hierarchical society. We need to verify the feudal social system and discover its former advantages. However, the feudal system did not ensure the ennoblement of the majority amount the bourgeoisie or peasantry, and this sparked the protest of the revolutionary elites.

It is time for contemporary elites to regain and restore old feudal social elites and to rebuild their knowledge in the governing of the agricultural societies. However, it is necessary to point out to the old and new nobility the changed rules of inheritance of property and the nobility. The mechanisms of inheritance must be changed voluntarily - let only society inherit. Let all children acquire material and social position by ourselves and our own work.

Agricultural feudal society in its modern version needs to be rebuilt today in Europe and the Americas because only this will protect us from the total civilization crisis that is coming. The current elites will be annihilated in future revolutions if they are unable to use modern knowledge to avoid the effects of the impending climate crisis and the resulting economic crisis.

The current elite must understand that only humbleness to the laws of the historical process will protect them from destruction in future revolutions. Only actions that ensure the uninterrupted continuity of human civilization will save us from the effects of the crisis. This continuity will be ensured if we restore the significance of the former feudal elites and use their knowledge to build a new global agricultural society. The agricultural system currently existing in the West is ineffective because after all, one billion three hundred million hungry people is in the world, and a few billion are threatened with hunger. The impending climate crisis - the shifting of climate zones, will cause a high price of food, which will result in universal chaos, revolutions, and wars. Only fear of the effects of wars and revolutions can provoke reform activities, and only they will save us from the impending crisis of modern civilization and the subsequent "dark ages".

Warsaw, 2013                                   Bogdan Góralski