
Zasada pogoni za zyskiem jest nieludzka?

zastąpić w biznesie zasadę pogoni za zyskiem, która uszczęśliwia nielicznych, zasadą zarabiania pieniędzy za pomocą tworzenia nowych miejsc pracy, która uszczęśliwi wielu

zastąpić w biznesie zasadę pogoni za zyskiem, która uszczęśliwia nielicznych, zasadą zarabiania pieniędzy za pomocą tworzenia nowych miejsc pracy, która uszczęśliwi wielu


Chyba najwyższy czas zastąpić w biznesie zasadę pogoni za zyskiem, która uszczęśliwia nielicznych, zasadą zarabiania pieniędzy za pomocą tworzenia nowych miejsc pracy, która uszczęśliwi wielu. Ten postulat jest zawarty w zasadach działania przedsiębiorstwa POL-CAT.

I think it's time to replace the principle of the pursuit of profit in business, which makes happy the few people, the principle of making money by creating new jobs that will make many people happy.This postulate is included in the operating principles of the POL-CAT company.

The economic system of feudalism was based on the principle that the greater the number of subiected emploees the to higher profits of feudal lords. That system is directing to the overpopulation of the countries. I propose this principle to be improved: the higher the mean earnings of the employees , the higher the salaries of work organizers and business owners or feudal lords. The economic system based on the above principle will be automatically optimized.

If you produce a perfect object and do it at the expense of the least energy consumption, then POL-CAT will sell this product all over the world and you will be able to expand your business and employment in it, for which you will be rewarded. You'll sacrifice yourself the creation of a second perfect product and you will be rewarded again. If you are creative, you will create 100 products and you will be rewarded for all of them creating new jobs in new companies. POL-CAT will help you with this.

Warszawa, dnia 29 November 2018                                        Bogdan Góralski